Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What is gaming?

Gaming is the act of playing games for entertainment purposes,
 such as PC Gaming, Mobile gaming and console gaming. 
Why you should play games? Here are a few reasons:

1. Entertainment
You've had those times when you're just so bored and you have
literally nothing to do. That's why you should play games! 
Some games increase your intelligence, some are scary, and 
some are just fun to play! That will surely cure your boredom.
Kuvahaun tulos haulle boring
2. Strategies
In some games you have to play using strategy to win! For
example you have to use this troop to defeat these troops or
you have to build this base so it can defend this troop etc. It is
very important in some games to invent strategies or else it's a
game over for you. RIP
Kuvahaun tulos haulle strategy
3. Virtual reality experience

If you have bought the real virtual reality set, then it is
definitely exciting to play games in VR! You can see everything
around you and it feels so real! I have myself the virtual reality 
set. I have tried a lot of games with the VR like surgeon 
simulator. i recommend you buying it!
Kuvahaun tulos haulle vr

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