Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Not good at games? (5 ways to get better)

Hi. I just realized that many people actually DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY VIDEOGAMES. I want to help these people get better at games, so here's 10 ways you can become a better gamer!
Credits to TGN for for uploading this video. (check the video, there are 10 ways total)
Kuvahaun tulos haulle practice
1. Practice makes perfect

The first one is very simple. Just play more! Practice makes perfect and all that jazz. Being good at games is all about the grind. Put the hours in, repeat levels and it will all start falling into place.

2. Learn from others

Kuvahaun tulos haulle youtubePut the controller down for a few minutes, sit back and watch someone play. Someone who's better than you. Don't be jealous, treat them as a teacher, watch them play and sneakily steal all their tricks.

3. Watch youtube tutorials

Youtube tutorials are your friends. There are some real smarteyes out there making great youtube breakdowns of popular games they can really help you wrap your head around whatever IP You're connected to.

4. Warm up

A singer does throat exercise. Runners stretch their legs! We gamers need thumb exercises. Bend them, stretch them, wiggle them around, Limber them up, So they're ready to bust and bash your way out of anything.

5. Roll a coin

Kuvahaun tulos haulle roll a coinTake a coin and practice by rolling it from knuckle to knuckle without dropping it. But seriously, once your fingers are dense enough to handle that, no button conbination will be too much for you.

Be sure to check out TGNs channel, subscribe to them, like their videos and of course, thank you all for reading.

Please follow my google plus!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What is gaming?

Gaming is the act of playing games for entertainment purposes,
 such as PC Gaming, Mobile gaming and console gaming. 
Why you should play games? Here are a few reasons:

1. Entertainment
You've had those times when you're just so bored and you have
literally nothing to do. That's why you should play games! 
Some games increase your intelligence, some are scary, and 
some are just fun to play! That will surely cure your boredom.
Kuvahaun tulos haulle boring
2. Strategies
In some games you have to play using strategy to win! For
example you have to use this troop to defeat these troops or
you have to build this base so it can defend this troop etc. It is
very important in some games to invent strategies or else it's a
game over for you. RIP
Kuvahaun tulos haulle strategy
3. Virtual reality experience

If you have bought the real virtual reality set, then it is
definitely exciting to play games in VR! You can see everything
around you and it feels so real! I have myself the virtual reality 
set. I have tried a lot of games with the VR like surgeon 
simulator. i recommend you buying it!
Kuvahaun tulos haulle vr

Thank you for reading! Please follow my Google +.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

My top 3 favorite android games Thus far. (8.2.2017)

1. Clash royale
Kuvahaun tulos haulle clash royaleClash royale is a game where you battle people online by using cards and upgrading them. It's My favorite game and it's made by Supercell. I am on arena 10 at 3,400 trophy count and my username is BaderBoss. I think it's a really great game and i recommend you playing it too!

2. Clash of clans
Kuvahaun tulos haulle clash of clansAnother game made by Supercell. Similiar to Clash royale, you battle people online but you can also access single player battles! In clash of Clans, you build a village and import new strategies to destroy other players' villages and claim their loot! Be aware that your village can be raided too. I had a townhall 7 village, but i got banned forever and i started over. Too bad!

3. Minecraft: Pocket edition
Kuvahaun tulos haulle minecraft pocket editionMinecraft is a sandbox game where you build and break blocks and survive the dangers of night. The game is almost like Minecraft in computer, only missing a few features. And it's cheaper to get, too! After the new End update, you are able to finish the game. I think this was a very big feature to add, since the behavement of the Enderdragon is really hard to make. It's not a free game, but its a great one!

Thank you for reading!